Save power while working from home

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Tasmanian households have just become busier than ever. COVID-19 has forced many of us to convert our bedrooms, lounge rooms, studies, and even sheds into home offices and classrooms (including 200+ Aurora Energy staff!).

While it’s nice to be able to spend some more quality time with the people you live with, being at home longer, for whatever reason, can mean higher power bills.

Tasmanians are pretty lucky, Aurora Energy customers have had some of the lowest regulated power costs in Australia for the last four years. But during our cold, dark winter months our usage spikes, which can mean higher power bills.

Check out our tips for keeping your energy use (and bills) low while you’re working from home.

Heat down, layer up

With the colder months hurtling towards us (seriously, how is it almost winter already!?), we’re going to need to turn the heater on more and more.

Heating can account for up to 50% of power costs in Tassie homes, so only heat the room you’re in and keep your heater between 18°C – 21°C.

On those really cold days resist the temptation to turn the heating up and chuck on your trackies and uggs instead (no one’s going to know what you’re wearing below the desk in your Zoom meeting)

Keep it natural

Lights can account for around 15% of household energy use, so open the blinds, turn the lights off and let the winter sun filter through.

Create new habits

Can you wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot? Boil only what you need in the kettle? Hang out your washing rather than putting it in the dryer? They're little things but they can make a big difference. 

Top tip: Stop opening the fridge every 5 minutes...nothing's changed.

Switch off before you switch off

When it’s time to leave work (or move from your study to the lounge room) make sure you switch off. Believe it or not, leaving devices on standby can add to your power costs.

Check you’re on the right energy plan

Choosing the right energy plan could save you heaps on your bill and it’s the perfect time to check your plan suits your lifestyle.

Want more control over what you pay for power? We've got you sorted.

Check out our Peak and Off-Peak plan to access cheaper off-peak power. Shift the majority of your power use to the cheaper times (which is 73% of the time) and save!  Find out more here.

Know what you’re using

Being aware of your power use may sound like a weird energy saving tip, but knowing when, where, and how much power you're using could help you save big.

Want more visibility of your energy? There’s an app for that!

Switch to aurora+ and find out how it can help you see, manage, and save on your energy.

Ask for help if you need it.

You might do everything on this list and still struggle to afford your bill. We want you to know that we’re here to help.

We’ve established a COVID-19 Customer Support Program supported by a $5M Customer Support Fund specifically to help our residential and small business customers impacted by the pandemic.

See how we can help